First aid course
An interesting and very useful event took place in the Volunteer Center as part of the Volunteer Training project.
Employees of the Poltava regional organization of the Red Cross Society presented a course that allowed volunteers to be trained to provide first aid.

The course was presented in an accessible and professional manner, which made it easy for every listener to understand the material. The course program was powerful and versatile, covering topics such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control, and emergency first aid.

During the course, each student was trained theoretically and got to practice acquired skills on mannequins. All participants successfully completed their tasks and sincerely rejoiced at their success. Upon completion of the course, each volunteer received a certificate of mastering the basic knowledge of first aid.

The participants agreed that this course was not in vain for them and provided the necessary knowledge that can be useful to every person, especially at the present time, when health is becoming an even more relevant topic. In addition, such knowledge can be useful not only to volunteers, but to the whole society as a whole.