'To be eco Workshop' poster
Rivne / Ukraine

To be eco Workshop

Volunteers conducted a session on environmental conservation and a workshop on decorating eco-bags.

The New Year of the Trees is a wonderful holiday that marks a new cycle for fruit-bearing trees. Tu B'Shevat is closely connected to nature, and the best initiative on the eve of the holiday is to raise awareness about the use of natural resources and an eco-friendly lifestyle. Volunteer Community Ukr launched a similar initiative for the first time last year.

This year, volunteers prepared in advance for Tu B'Shevat. This time, it was decided to involve the younger generation in this beautiful initiative to instill eco-consciousness in children from an early age. The participants of the event were the little ones from the #AJTJunior club and their parents.

As part of the eco-initiative, volunteers had a discussion with the children and their parents on the topic of environmental conservation. This was followed by a workshop on decorating eco-bags. The bags turned out incredible! Each became a reflection of the participant's individuality and imagination. The children were thrilled, and the adults generously shared their ideas with them.

Tu B'Shevat is associated with many traditions, and the celebration itself lasts for three months. However, in addition to the traditional meaning of the holiday, a new one has emerged. Today, the New Year of the Trees is considered a day of environmental awareness. In Israel, on this day, many new trees and other greenery are planted, transforming the once barren land into a flourishing paradise.

By celebrating Tu B'Shevat, we remind ourselves that our planet needs our efforts. Its health depends on our actions. By greening, supporting an eco-friendly environment, and protecting nature, we care primarily about the future of humanity. This is why the volunteer eco-initiative is so important. We thank our volunteers for nurturing a new, eco-oriented generation!

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