'Tour around "Jewish courtyard"' poster
Lutsk / Ukraine

Tour around "Jewish courtyard"

Participants of this event were able to get an insight on the history of the city where they have found themselves due to unforeseen events.

Participants of this event were able to get an insight on the history of the city where they have found themselves due to unforeseen events. It was also a great opportunity to take a look at the history of the Jewish that were living here.

Everything displayed in the museum told a story in one way or another, like books, furniture, paintings… Sometime ago their owners were persecuted and were able to find home on the Principality of Volhynia.

After the tour, all the participant were able to try the traditional cuisine that our handy volunteers of the "Lutsk Volunteer Community" Hesed center are cooking every day for the people that have ran away from danger. Every single one, who participated in the event, left fulfilled not only physically, but also emotionally. This type of support is inspiring and can not leave anybody indifferent!

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