'Traditional Seder Passover ' poster
Lviv / Ukraine

Traditional Seder Passover

Seder Passover for the volunteers of Lviv, Kharkov, and other people all around the Ukraine that were temporarily relocated.

Everything was done in homely manner, joyful, cozy, but also festive. It was almost like we were one big family at a dinner talking about all kinds of topics like freedom, something that this celebration is dedicated and something that all of us need so much nowadays. It was very relatable for those who were forced to leave their homes and escape into the unknown.

We truly believe that this moment unity of different people and volunteers from all across the Ukraine will be the beginning of the peace and freedom that all of us aspire for the last two months!

We are deeply thankful to all the volunteers participated in this event and their willingness to save and transmit the traditions into the modern world, especially to those who are at home right now. Together we will achieve all of our goals, as power lies in unity!

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee