'Project "Shabat to Go"' poster
Dnipro / Ukraine

Project "Shabat to Go"

Connecting elderly people with the community through individual Shabbat visits by volunteers, supporting their social activity and overcoming isolation.

The "Shabat to Go" project is aimed at the social integration of elderly and immobile community members, bringing them closer to the traditions of Shabbat.

Project Description:

As part of the project, volunteers are trained in the nuances of conducting Shabbat and then visit immobile community members to help them observe the traditions.

Project Goals:

  • Training volunteers in conducting Shabbat.
  • Combating social isolation and loneliness among immobile community members.
  • Maintaining Shabbat traditions.

Role of Volunteers:

  • Learning the traditions of Shabbat.
  • Organizing and conducting home visits with participants.

Project Results:

  • Helping participants maintain Shabbat traditions.
  • Socializing elderly and immobile community members.
  • Strengthening bonds within the community.

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