'Creative activity for children' poster
Kherson / Ukraine

Creative activity for children

For the youngest, the volunteers held a creative lesson "Journey through Egypt"

Our volunteer Elena Lipshits conducts creative classes for our youngest children every Sunday.

On one of them, they all plunged into a "Journey through Egypt".

After all, the Passover holiday is coming soon. This is the story of how the Jews left Egypt. What kind of country is this? What are its features, advantages and disadvantages? The heat, the sand, the pyramids, the camels... were they there in the distant times of the Exodus? Sea. Why is it called Red? Is it because of corals or bright fish? Did those who passed along the bottom of the sea see them when its waters parted? All this is very interesting. We read the Torah – we know the world.

At another lesson, Elena told the children that Keara is the name of a dish for the Passover Seder, which occupies a central place on the table during the Passover Seder.

They discussed and drew what they put on the Keara.

Zroa — a piece of meat on the bone. Usually, a chicken wing is used.

Beitsa — a boiled egg.

Maror — leaves of Romanesque lettuce, lettuce (khasa)/fresh horseradish/chicory.

Karpas — "vegetable". Usually, a piece of boiled potatoes or celery is used.

Haroset — a mixture of grated apples, nuts, spices and red wine.

Hazeret — fresh horseradish/leaves of bitter greens (for example, Romanesque salad).

Our kids are ready for the festive Seder!

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