Delicious and Sweet Jars of Care
It's no secret that one of the simplest ways to lift one's spirits is by enjoying something sweet and delicious.
Delicious and sweet jars of care were created by the volunteers of the Romny Volunteer Community as part of the #Goodjamday initiative and have already been delivered to our beloved elderly friends! It's no secret that one of the simplest ways to lift one's spirits is by enjoying something sweet and delicious. And our wonderful volunteers decided to delight their beneficiaries with sweet jam made with love.

We thank our dear friends, the volunteers of the Romny Volunteer Community, for their kind and caring hands that created this special jam. Your efforts and dedication help bring joy and smiles to the faces of our beneficiaries.
Volunteering is not just about giving your time; it's about giving care, support, and love. We are delighted that our volunteers continue to do good deeds and help create an atmosphere of care and upliftment.

Thanks to your efforts and attention, we continue to build a better future and make our community even kinder and stronger. We are proud of you and thankful for your contributions to our project!