'Field educational event' poster
Kryvyi Rih / Ukraine

Field educational event

In modern realities, volunteering is becoming more and more important and necessary for society.

Volunteers make an indispensable contribution in various fields of activity, from supporting vulnerable groups of the population to environmental protection and cultural development. However, in order for volunteers to be effective and motivated, it is important to create a supportive environment and adapt it to modern needs and challenges.

Changing the environment for volunteers includes expanding opportunities for learning, self-development, and professional growth. The outdoor educational event in the Botanical Garden with the participation of volunteers of the Kruvyі Rih Volunteer Community was organized to meet, encourage, motivate and support our volunteers. We are also looking to expand our educational program and provide additional learning opportunities for our volunteers.

Volunteers got the opportunity to improve their social interaction and communication skills, which contributes to better communication and effective teamwork. We believe that these skills are essential for more successful volunteer work and contribute to the overall level of understanding and cooperation within our community.

During the event, each volunteer felt warmth and goodwill from other participants. Our community has become stronger thanks to the activity and support of each of you, the volunteers. The openness, sincerity and friendly atmosphere that pervades our community has created an atmosphere of home comfort where everyone feels comfortable.

We are very glad that we could get to know each of you better. Our outdoor event not only provided us with the opportunity to have fun and enjoy the beauty of the Botanical Garden, but also provided a great opportunity for education and personal growth. We believe that the acquired knowledge, skills and experience gained during the event will be useful not only for volunteers, but also in their future life and professional career.

We invite you to join our volunteer community and take part in our future events and projects. Together we can make our city an even better place to live. We strive not only to support the community, but also to provide volunteers with the opportunity to learn, develop and find new interests.

Together we can achieve great things and make positive changes in our environment. Keep being great volunteers and bringing light into the lives of others. Together we can change the world!

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