'Good Initiatives' poster
Kharkiv / Ukraine

Good Initiatives

The "Week of Good Deeds" campaign brought about many positive changes thanks to the activity of volunteers.

During the "Week of Good Deeds" campaign, volunteers from the Kharkiv center changed the life of our city for the better through a series of beneficial initiatives. Six teams participated in the event, working together for the good of the entire community. During the campaign, volunteers managed to become like kind wizards and perform many acts of kindness.

Among the charitable activities were garbage clean-up, building bird feeders, and feeding stray animals, of which there are unfortunately many on our streets. A remarkable act of compassion was the blood donation drive, where volunteers literally donated a part of themselves to save those in need.

It is worth noting the high activity of volunteers and the incredible cohesion both within each team and between teams. Volunteers acted as a unified organism, helping and supporting each other to achieve their goal. Joint efforts and dedication to the common cause brought incredible results and became a source of many positive emotions and impressions.

We thank all participants of charitable events for their efforts and willingness to change the world for the better. By your example, you have demonstrated that together we can achieve more and make our city better, and its residents happier!

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