'Helping Nature' poster
Lubny / Ukraine

Helping Nature

Volunteers from the volunteer center decided to help the environment become spring-like beautiful.

As part of the international "Good Deeds Day" campaign, our center's volunteers conducted a "spring cleaning" of the green area to rid it of the winter aftermath and weather damage. With the arrival of spring, everything around blossoms and comes alive, but to fully embrace the powerful energy of renewal, it's necessary to get rid of everything old and worn out. Following this important rule, the volunteers enthusiastically got to work.

The scope of the work turned out to be quite extensive. They had to cut down old trees, clear away deadwood, and remove garbage, totaling 600 kg! Four old trees had to be cut down, and dead branches on the remaining trees had to be pruned, requiring significant physical effort. It was tough, but the volunteers successfully accomplished the task with honor! After some time, everyone admired the cleanliness and freshness, breathing in the crisp spring air.

This wonderful volunteer initiative became an act of caring for nature and an important step towards creating a better world for each of us. The participants of the campaign helped tidy up our common home, caring not only for our present but also for future generations.

We thank the participants of the campaign and invite everyone to perform good deeds with us for the sake of a better future. By helping Nature, we help ourselves, and by helping those in need, we improve the lives of our entire society!

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