'Homentashn for wards' poster
Cherkasy / Ukraine

Homentashn for wards

Every holiday in the Jewish tradition is associated with a certain meal, and especially Purim!

The "mandatory program" of the holiday includes not only listening to the "Scroll of Esther", cracking a rattle at the mention of the name of Haman, dressing up in a carnival costume, giving a mishloach manot, but also a hearty and delicious meal and a drink with pleasure! 

A traditional treat in Purim is Haman's ears, homentashn.

Do you know what other important commandments of the Purim holiday are? Give each other gifts and help the poor. And so our culinary master class, organized by the program "Volunteer Center" of the Cherkasy regional charitable Jewish Foundation "Hesed Dorot", helped the participants to fulfill the traditions of Purim.

Volunteers under the leadership of Anya Lepikhova made traditional Purim triangular filled-pocket cookies – homentashn, and while the pastries were being prepared, they got acquainted with the history and traditions of the Purim holiday. 

The volunteers presented the remarkable results of their work to the wards of the Hesed Dorot Charity Foundation, who have difficulty moving, and the tzedakah collected at the master class will be used in the Bring Joy campaign to collect sweets for Mishloach Manot and gifts for Purim for single wards and children with special needs.

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