'New Year of the Trees' poster
Lutsk / Ukraine

New Year of the Trees

May prosperity reign in homes, strength of spirit grow in souls, and the flowers of joy fragrance in hearts.

Each of us eagerly awaits the arrival of the New Year, as it symbolizes renewal and progress. According to Jewish tradition, we celebrate the New Year of the Trees when the early-blooming trees awaken in Israel. Tu BiShvat for Jews is a joyful holiday, marking the beginning of a new fruit-bearing cycle.

Members of our Family Club and Day Center were able to celebrate Tu BiShvat together with our volunteers. During gatherings dedicated to the New Year of the Trees, we discussed the symbolism of the holiday and recalled the Torah's words about the similarity between humans and trees. Their strength lies in the roots, and their continuation is in the fruits, whether they are the fruits of a tree or our children. The crown of a tree is as branched as our life, and each branch symbolizes the path of a person.

"Hesed Beshta" clients were greeted with a festive table adorned with dishes lovingly prepared by our volunteers. However, the main treat, carrying symbolic meaning, was the grains and fruits mentioned in the Torah and growing in Israel: wheat, barley, olives, dates, grapes, figs, pomegranates, and others.

In Israel, there is a wonderful tradition dedicated to Tu BiShvat. On this day, thousands of people take to the streets to plant new trees. Members of the Ukrainian Jewish community gladly supported this beautiful tradition. Family Club participants planted flowers in pots, and Day Center participants crafted beautiful photo frames adorned with flowers and trees. Thanks to their efforts, our shared home, where various events take place, became even cozier!

Congratulations to everyone on the New Year of the Trees! We wish each of you prosperity, peace, and warmth of the soul! May love and joy blossom in your hearts!

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