'Preparing for the Carnival' poster
Odesa / Ukraine

Preparing for the Carnival

Volunteers delight participants of the 'Kesher Dorot' project with a festive gathering for the holiday of Purim.

Purim is one of the most anticipated and beloved Jewish holidays, associated with joy and liberation. This year, volunteers from the Odessa center decided to leave their beneficiaries with the most pleasant memories of Purim by inviting participants of the 'Kesher Dorot' project to a fun gathering before the holiday. At the event, all participants engaged in making carnival costumes.

This activity was enjoyed by everyone because making a carnival costume opens up unlimited opportunities for creativity - all you need to do is unleash your imagination and not be afraid to experiment! To begin with, they drew lots to determine hair color, after which the participants enthusiastically began crafting their costumes.

The result of this work exceeded all expectations! The colorful and bright costumes turned out to be simply amazing! After the exciting creative process, participants were able to take photos in their new costumes and enjoy the taste of traditional hamantaschen cookies.

The creative and fun event prepared by the volunteers contributed to creating a joyful festive atmosphere among the members of our community. By creating vibrant carnival costumes, each person contributed to this process, feeling united with the large Jewish community and experiencing the power of the traditions of the ancient people. Purim unites and brings joy to everyone, charging with positive emotions and giving hope for a happy future.

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