'Project Launch' poster
Vinnytsia / Ukraine

Project Launch

The "Study Club" project received strong support in its wonderful starting phase from an active volunteer and the founder of the Holocaust Museum.

The new children's project, "Study Club," received a powerful boost for its further development, thanks to Leonid Trakhtenberg, an active volunteer and founder of the Holocaust Museum. Leonid conducted a mini-tour for the club participants, revealing to them the tragic pages of the history of Jews in Podolia.

Children listened with interest to the storyteller, asking questions and drawing parallels between historical events of the past and the present. The main idea highlighted by the club participants was that the tragic fate of the Jewish people should not be forgotten if we want to preserve our national identity.

Leonid Trakhtenberg helped the participants of the "Study Club" to look at historical events from a different perspective and broaden their horizons, enriching their perception of reality. This is invaluable experience that will help them consciously relate to their roots, remember, and appreciate the achievements of their ancestors.

Memory is the most important thing that each generation can pass on to its descendants. It is memory that serves as a unifying factor for people, supporting their spirit and national identity. Thanks to "Study Club," powerful historical memory becomes the heritage of the younger generation. A huge thank you to our volunteer for the unique and valuable experience that helps maintain the connection between different generations!

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee