'Purim Magic' poster
Vinnytsia / Ukraine

Purim Magic

The "Bring Joy" campaign brought smiles not only to the recipients but also to those who gave them with love.

During the holiday of Purim, real miracles happen, and one of them was born within the walls of the Vinnytsia Volunteer Center. In anticipation of the wonderful holiday, as part of the "Bring Joy" campaign, volunteers held a wonderful culinary masterclass that became a source of joy not only for its participants but also for the elderly members of our community.

At the masterclass, children from AJT junior, together with their parents, learned to prepare traditional pastries, which were to take a worthy place on the festive table of our "golden age" clients. The work was fun, participants helped each other, and soon, Purim mishloach manot adorned the table for the dear members of the community.

The treats were delivered personally. Hosts welcomed the mishloach manot with a smile and thanked for the participation and care. Along with the treats, they received a piece of joy that Purim brings and felt the support from the volunteers and other community members. Thanks to the volunteer initiative, both the participants of the campaign and the mishloach manot recipients enjoyed the pleasure.

The "Bring Joy" campaign demonstrated that each of us can become a real magician and make even the most ordinary day festive and joyful. Your small contribution can magically change the world for people who need help and support!

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee