'The Annual Maccabiah Games' poster
Odesa / Ukraine

The Annual Maccabiah Games

Volunteering is not just about providing assistance but also inspiring the volunteers themselves.

Undoubtedly, it's the volunteers. They are the reliable pillars and sources of inspiration for many. With this recognition in mind, the Volunteer Community network always takes care of the health and emotional well-being of every volunteer in its extensive network.

In June, we witnessed a wonderful and inspiring event. It was the annual Maccabiah Games organized by the "Hesed Shaarei Zion" Foundation and the Jewish Volunteer League in Odessa. What makes this moment so special? Representatives from three generations participated in it simultaneously.

The competitions included table tennis, chess, obstacle races, and many other sports. Community members and local residents actively participated in them. It was not only a competition for prizes but also a shining example of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining physical and mental activity, following proper nutrition, and inspiring others with acts of kindness.

After the active competitions, the athletes and their supporters were treated to ice cream and sweets provided by the event's partners. This gesture of delicate attention was an excellent conclusion to the day, filling it with warmth and joy.

The Maccabiah in Odessa is not just a sporting event but also an opportunity to emphasize the importance of taking care of one's physical and emotional well-being. It also underscores that volunteering is not only about providing assistance but also an inspiration for the volunteers themselves, who continue to do good and lead active lives. This is a story of uniting generations and how health and good deeds can bring us all together.

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee