'The Aroma of Love and Care' poster
Cherkasy / Ukraine

The Aroma of Love and Care

Challah has become not just a symbol but a living embodiment of kindness and unity in the "Shabbat Guest" project.

The challah prepared by volunteers as part of the "Shabbat Guest" project has not only become a symbol of Shabbat but has also embodied the selfless care and true love of the volunteers. Every Thursday, volunteers from the CVC-Cherkasy Volunteer Community gather under the watchful eye of the volunteer head chef to prepare the fragrant Shabbat bread together.

Carefully monitoring each stage of the process, they put their hearts into every step—from measuring ingredients to baking. This process has become not just culinary craftsmanship but a whole ritual that reflects not only professionalism but also dedication and care.

The recipients eagerly anticipate meeting the volunteers on Friday to welcome Shabbat together. The aromatic challahs, infused with love and care, become an integral part of this magical moment. Volunteers bring not only bread but also the warmth of their souls, creating an atmosphere of joy and understanding.

The "Shabbat Guest" project goes beyond a simple culinary event—it is a manifestation of true harmony and interconnection between volunteers and those they assist. Challah has become not just a symbol but a living embodiment of kindness and unity.

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