'Unity of Kherson volunteers' poster
Kherson / Ukraine

Unity of Kherson volunteers

Providing essential products for more than 100 families of Kherson.

If we unite, than it is one for all until the end. If we are helping, than we are doing it to our maximal potential. If someone needs support that means all types of support, the one that hits the most sensitive strings of human soul.

Nowadays, we witness the type of unity that seems to be able to overcome any obstacles and any hurdle. It is today when we can see for ourselves how the feeling of community helps us to continue the journey without having to look back or turn around.

Indeed, our friends from Kherson currently are in a very difficult situation, but we are still able to see smiles on their faces! They are inspired and moved as they are not alone and they know for sure that behind them there is a wall of support and assistance not only metaphorically, with kin words, but also physically.

We can not think of words to retail all the sense of gratitude that we have for thee volunteers from the voluntary center of Kherson, as they helped to raise funds for purchasing, packaging and delivering more than 100 boxes with essential products.

Volunteers are really the force that makes the world go round!

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee