'Volunteer Community Fest. Shabbaton 2023' poster
Odesa / Ukraine

Volunteer Community Fest. Shabbaton 2023

Three organizations, 70 people, 2 unforgettable days, and approximately 15 hours of training, networking, and workshops.

This Shabbaton was not only about expressing gratitude to volunteers but also about unity, seeking answers to questions, brainstorming ideas, and finding like-minded individuals for their implementation.

Representatives and madrichim (leaders) from Gilel, Hesed, and the Jewish Volunteer League prepared an engaging program for the volunteers. The event included training sessions with psychologists, self-improvement through various exercises, and the exchange of knowledge. Additionally, we held solemn ceremonies for welcoming Shabbat and concluding it with Havdalah.

We would like to express our immense gratitude to our partners, EVZ Foundation and JDC, for their support and the opportunity to expand our impact by engaging more volunteers willing to participate in the initiatives and programs of our organizations.

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This website was made possible through a generous donation from the Charles Hoffman Memorial Fund at the American Joint Distribution Committee