'Volunteer project "Povo-Dog"' poster
Sumy / Ukraine

Volunteer project "Povo-Dog"

The annual festival "Friend from the Shelter" was held in the city park, in which volunteers of the center took part

On this day, joy and happiness were in the air, and the sound of children's laughter filled the space around.

It was wonderful to see how our countrymen openly and lovingly met stray pets. Our city shone with kind and generous people who are ready to take care of homeless animals. They were ready to help financially and support those in need of treatment and nutrition.

Our volunteers from the center did not stand aside - they took on an important mission. They baked wonderful gingerbread, made with love and care, and handed them out at the festival. In return for their kindness, people gladly made generous donations to provide homeless pets with the necessary supplies and treatment.

This festival has become a testament to the fact that kindness and compassion live in each of us. He reminded us of the importance of caring for those who cannot protect themselves. Together we have been able to make the world a little better and bring joy to the lives of many vulnerable animals.

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